Complete the course and get your certificate

Scentwork Training certificate

When you complete the Introduction to Scentwork course by Lyn Bowers and Di Martin you can download a completion certificate. 

Feel free to print the certificate or add it to your website – we would love it if you could also link back to the Scent Dog Training website too.   If you need any help adding the certificate to your website and linking back to Scent Dog Training, please let us know.

Each certificate has your name, the course name, and the completion date. The certificate also shows the CPD (Continual Professional Development) hours. Depending on your professional body you may be able to add these hours to your CPD log. For example, if you are working towards becoming a Marka Scholar you can add these hours to your experience records. 

Also, if you do want to link back to the Scent Dog Training website you may like to check out the Scent Dog Training Affiliate program and earn from the links. 

Screen shot showing certificate download

The certificate will only appear when you have completed the course. If you think that you have completed all the modules, but the certificate is not showing then please do get in contact and we can manually nudge the system to produce your certificate. 

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